Saturday, May 28, 2011

Vacation and other things on my mind

Today was a down day.  It was a little rough this morning watching Marty drive away to go visit his family/friends in NC.  I have to say, I am better tonight after calls from him most of the day checking in, telling me how much he loves me, and just to see what I have been up to today.

  This is our first time being apart since we moved in together in 2009. (The picture to the left was us this past Christmas 2010). It was rough, but we both will be home in a week.  He is the one for me, always and forever.  I can't wait till I can see him again! He will be picking me up from the airport on Saturday night and I have to say I will be sooo anxious to get off that plane and to see him!!

Tomorrow my Mom, Dad and I fly out to Kansas City, MO.  My aunt will be getting us and then we will reconnect with my Grandparents, my sister, bro in law, and my niece.  I believe I get to see my cousins as well that week.  It's been about 3 years I think since I have seen anyone from out there.  It's going to be a mini family reunion for the week.  Apparently I have been told it's jam packed with stuff to do.  I am also hoping I can keep up with my exercise and get to the gym at least 2-3x that week.  We will see what happens, but then again it is vacation and I will be walking around alot and trying to make sure I choose healthy options, but if I can't I won't be hard on myself, I am just going to give it my all when I come back home and back into a routine.
All I can say is that as of Friday morning I am officially down 16 way to start vacation I

I am hoping that everyone has a safe, fun, happy Memorial Day weekend! Whether you are just home relaxing, down at the shore, or grilling out with friends/family.   I was watching a news program the other night and I have to say I was surprised when they said that most of the younger generation are not appreciate of Memorial Day and why we celebrate it.  I am lucky that I grew up with a father who served in the Air Force and Marty  who served in the Army.  I never take a moment of either of them for granted and I am very honored and moved by their dedication and commitment while they were both enlisted.  Marty had several tours in Iraq from what he told me about and what he had to go through. I thank God every day that he is safe, alive, and well.  I also got to hear stories of him going overseas from his Mom when I met her back in Dec and from her point of view how she was constantly worried for and about him.  So if you don't think your kids realize what someone who serves for this country does, make sure they are educated on what the military does for us each and EVERY day so that we can live our lives in freedom. A small video below to share:

I can't wait to come back and Marty and I are going to go to the beach for a day to relax....SOOO looking forward to that!

That's all for now...leaving you with our song  (Marty and I's)....I smile when I hear this song.

Till next time...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's been a while

My Journey to getting Toned, Healthy, and Trim
So, it has been quite a while since I have had some time to sit down and write an updated blog.  Alot has changed for the better in the last 3 months since I started my journey.  I have gone done 2 dress sizes and now wearing a size 14 again.  I haven't been a size 14 in 5 years!!!!

That is an amazing accomplishment for me.  I am also down 14 pds (started at 189 and as of this past Friday I am now at 175).  My final goal is to get to 150.  THEN, maybe another 5, then just maintain.  Again, without and all my friends online, Marty, friends/family support, I wouldn't have gotten this far.  I am just VERY happy with myself and what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it.

I also have been measuring myself and I have to measure myself again next week (this coming Friday) but here are the numbers as they are from last week:

Chest - on 4/3/11 was 35 as of today 5/13/11 is 34.50 (loss of .50)
Hips- as of 4/3/11 was 47, as of today 5/13/11 is 44 (3 inches lost...LOVE this and very proud of it!)
Lower arm- as of 4/3/11 was 9, as of today 5/13/11 is 8.375 (loss of .625)
Upper Thigh- as of 4/3/11 was 25.50, as of today 5/13/11 is 25 (.50 loss)
Neck - as of 4/3/11 was 14, as of today 5/13/11 is 13.50 (loss of .50)
Upper Chest- as of 4/3/11 was 37, as of today 5/13/11 is 35 (loss of 2 in)
Upper Arm - as of 4/3/11 was 12.55, as of today 5/13/11 is 12.25 (.30 loss)
Lower Leg- as of 4/3/11 was 15.50, as of today 5/13/11 is 14.375 (loss of 1.125)
Abs - as of 5/1/11 (when I started tracking this) was 35.75, as of today 5/13/11 is 34.50 (loss of 1.25!- like this since my abs always bother me!)

So there you have it, that is my weight loss/measurement update.

I just wanted to show a before (on left) and after (on right) pic, this amazes me:

I have slimmed and toned up so much.  People are now starting to notice and pictures don't lie.


I am excited that this upcoming week I have 4 days of work and my 2 weeks vacation starts on Friday the 27th!!   Oh, how I wish I could take my cats with me.  I will miss them so that picture is appropriate.  I will be heading out to the Grandparents/Aunts location in the Missouri/Kansas City Area.  Looking forward to the time away, seeing family, friends, and just relaxing with NO work. Parents (Mom/Dad), Sister, Brother-in-law, and Niece will also be there.

The following week after I return I have some painting/creative things to do upstairs.  I want to get the front bedroom primed/painted.  Finally found the wall color I want so it's going to get done on a day Marty has off and I am home too.  We also found new mirrors for our sink vanities in the bathrooms and will be getting those and also prime/painting the upstairs bathroom, putting up new towel rack, shelves, shower curtain, and paintings.  All has been purchased, just need to get it done.  No excuses. I have all week to do it.  I REALLY want to get those rooms done.  I don't like to do all the prep work etc...but it HAS to get if anyone is free and wants to come help, PLEASE do so :)

Well I have one more thing I need to get done today that I can cross off my to-do list, which is to finish steam cleaning the carpets downstairs.  I got the dining room area and front entranceway done yesterday and now I need to do the small area of our living room that steps down.  So off I go.

Till next time!