Sunday, September 18, 2011

Alot on my mind

So I have alot on my mind today.  First off, wow the weekend went quick, but the weekend went great.  I had a Tastefully Simple party at my place on Saturday and the turnout was great.  Twelve people came, that has been the most I have had at one of those shows.  It was great to see everyone! 

As far as my eating right and health, I am struggling to work out today.  I could ride myself to the park and walk, but that's so boring.  My bike is in the basement and I wish I could ride it but the tires are flat and I believe they need replaced. there's that.    I know if I went out running I would die because my allergies are bothering my asthma today.  I woke up and my eyes are red and puffy, so took some meds, but just feeling blah.  My mind wants to work out but my body has no energy today, so I am dealing with an internal battle.

So I have ran into more bullies (internet wise) and I am proud to say I stood up for myself and didn't take any crap.  They never came to me personally, but if they did, I would've stood up for myself.  I basically just put it out there that if anyone on the loseit site doesn't truly support my journey, feels I am a failure, wants to talk bad about me to others, then defriend me.  I don't need them.  I just went through a rough 4 weeks being sick with bronchitis and a chest cold and having to work extra time to cover a co-worker (which I was fine with that didn't bother me) it was the not feeling so well that got to me.  I still ate right, still worked out and didn't push myself too hard.  I have made some great friends on loseit but one more spout of drama like I just witnesses I think I will move on.  I am on there to track my progress, my gains/losses, my food, not to please the world.  That's all I have to say about that.  I am girl who has learned from her childhood.  I am relatively easy going, shy, calm, funny, and mellow, but if you put me in a corner and I feel threatened, I will speak my mind and clear the air.  I am moving on from that.  

I am also looking into going back to school in the spring, will announce later what my schooling will be for, but still doing some research and have to figure out what schools here will best fit my needs and work schedule.  I am looking forward to that. 

Not much else going on.  I am definitely getting back to working out with Zumba classes.  I am hoping that helps with the plateau and what not.  Other then that, not much else new.   Just sitting here, windows open, enjoying the cool air and the laundry that needs to be done is calling long for now everyone!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Thyroid (underactive) list

So in doing some research here are the foods I should incorporate in my diet to help maintain my thyroid levels, stay health, energized, and support my immune function to keep my body from fighting itself.  Luckily, I have alot of these foods at home already. :)  YAY!  I was slightly on track.  I did learn today that strawberries and peaches aren't something I should be truly eating, or just not everyday, so as of tomorrow, they will not be eaten everyday.  I will do them once this week and next to deplete the supply in the house and then I won't be eating them going forward.

Hypothyroid Diet - Nutrition
A diet for hypothyroidism should include whole foods rich in iodine, niacin, riboflavin, zinc, as well as vitamins B6, C, and E. These nutrients naturally support proper thyroid functions as well as overall good health and vitality.
Iodine (Is a major component of thyroid hormone balance and is antimicrobial)
·         Cow's milk
·         Eggs
·         Salmon
·         Seaweed 
·         Tuna
·         Yogurt
High Polyphenols (Acts as an anti-fungal)
·         Apples
·         Blackberries
·         Blueberries
·         Cooked broccoli (Broccoli in raw form is considered goitrogenic)
·         Cooked cabbage (Cabbage in raw form is considered goitrogenic)
·         Cantaloupe
·         Celery
·         Cherries
·         Cranberries
·         Eggplant
·         Extra virgin olive oil
·         Grapes
·         Green tea
·         Legumes
·         Onions
·         Parsley
·         Pears
·         Plums
·         Raspberries
Niacin (Is required for normal manufacture of thyroid hormone)
·         Brown rice
·         Chicken
·         Lamb
·         Pomegranates
·         Tuna
·         Turkey
Riboflavin (Vitamin b2) (Is essential for normal manufacture of thyroid hormone)
·         Avocados
·         Clams
·         Duck
·         Fresh pork
·         Lamb
·         Milk
·         Mushrooms
·         Yogurt
Selenium (Helps to convert T-4 to T-3)
·         Brazil nuts
·         Cod
·         Crimini mushrooms
·         Eggs
·         Garlic
·         Halibut
·         Salmon
·         Shrimp
·         Snapper
·         Sunflower seeds
·         Tuna
·         Turkey
Vitamin B6 (Is required for normal manufacture of thyroid hormone)
·         Avocados
·         Bananas
·         Barley
·         Bok Choy
·         Brown rice
·         Chicken
·         Chickpeas
·         Fresh pork
·         Mangoes
·         Potatoes
·         Salmon
·         Sunflower seeds
·         Sweet potatoes
·         Tuna
·         Turkey
Vitamin C (Boosts thyroid gland function)
·         Cooked cabbage (Cabbage in raw form is considered goitrogenic)
·         Kiwi fruit
·         Oranges
·         Peppers, bell, red
·         Pineapples
·         Potatoes
·         Tangerines and other mandarins
Vitamin E (Works with zinc and vitamin A to produce thyroid hormone)
·         Almonds
·         Avocados
·         Brazil nuts
·         Cooked broccoli (Broccoli in raw form is considered goitrogenic) 
·         Mangoes
·         Peanuts
·         Sunflower seeds
Zinc (Boosts thyroid function)
·         Beef
·         Chicken
·         Crab
·         Lamb
·         Oysters
·         Pumpkin seeds
·         Sea vegetables (nori, kombu, etc)
·         Summer squash
·         Turkey

Back on Schedule

So this is it, summer is over and it's back to fall and staying on track with my exercise. Marty and I talked about it today and this is the work out schedule:

Sundays- Zumba
Monday- off
Tuesday- he will go to the Gym during the day, I will go to Zumba after work
Thursday- Gym with Marty
Friday- open to my own workout, DVD, Park for Running, whatever.
Saturday- gym with Marty

I also will be alternating Sundays and Mondays every week because I would like to get back to Andrew's (one of the instructors at the studio) because he has classes Mon/Thursdays.

I have told Marty since he is studying to be a certified trainer to work with me in the gym on the days we go together.

I know getting back into a routine will be tough since my chest cold and allergies have been slowing me down the last few weeks, but I HAVE to get back to this, I can't slack or make excuses anymore.  Not that I have, just telling myself that I have to do it.

Here's a great video and if you are one of my workout friends, I too hope you find this motivational <3

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Next week

So I typically don't write two posts in one night, but this past week has been hard on my body.  Because of my chest congestion and allergies (along with having asthma) I haven't had a chance to work out as hard as I have wanted to.  Some weight has come back on and that's fine, at least it's not the full 20pds that I lost and I am hoping within a couple of weeks of getting back to Zumba classes, working out, and eating right that the small amount of weight that I gained will come back off.

This is a new DVD I got last week and I think to shock my body and get out of the plateau I have been in since the latter part of the summer I am going to get to this next week.

Jillian is very motivating for me and she pushes me to keep going.  I was doing her 30 day Shred and I was doing it for 2 months, however, like I said before I think my body is used to it so I got her Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD.  I watched this small clip on Youtube tonight and it got me excited to get back to working out.  Sad, but TRUE.

I also miss Zumba, so I watched this video to get psyched up again for classes! This isn't my instructor, but I do her videos at home if I can't get to a class and she asked me via email if I had any song requests.  I did ask her for the Jennifer Lopez song On The Floor.  She told me to watch for it, she is working on the steps and will upload it as soon as she can.  That is SO cool !!!!  I can't wait to see it or get back to my instructors here in DE for Zumba.  I actually miss it and so does my body.  Now that the weather has cooled down I am hoping my asthma won't act up as much.  With the humidity we had over the summer in the studio it was getting really bad.  I knew I had to wait it out when I spent the last 10 mins of class in the bathroom trying to get my red face (color of a stoplight) cooled down.  That made me sad.

Random Poem that just popped into my head

Sometimes the path isn't always clear,
there are a few weeds that get in our way,
we must chop at them for a while
it slows us down
hinders our plans
wears out our energy.

The light goes dim,
we search for something to light up the path
we look to him, he guides the way,
moves the weeds, shows the paths in different directions.

The choice, dreams, hopes, and happiness returns,
we know what to clearly do,
we smile brighter,
laugh louder,
we finally see the way.

It is from here now our choice,
you no longer have to sit and be repeatable,
you can fulfill your dreams, your hopes, your desires.

It's time to live and dream for what you want
you know you can do it
the risk will be worth the end result
otherwise, what's the point of not pursuing your dream?

(so this was a short poem and the words just poured out.  I used to write alot of poetry in my 20s and I feel my creative mind is coming back with this blog.  Don't try and guess what the poem is about, just read, appreciate it, and leave it at that.)