Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Been a while

So it has been a while since I have written anything.  The days have gone by so fast with work and life that I haven't had time to sit down and put my thoughts out on digital paper.  Things are going well, just living, working, staying fit, enjoying friends and what life has to offer!

I plan on doing some writing this weekend so stay tuned.....

Saturday, August 13, 2011

First Goal and other thoughts....

So alot has been on my mind lately.  First thing is that I have hit the 20.6 pds lost mark on my getting healthy lifestyle.  However, as happy as I should be, I have been stuck here for 3-4 weeks, like being on a weight loss roller coaster.  I keep going up a few pounds then right back down to the 20 pd mark.  I am really wondering if my body will ever let me get more then 20 pounds lost.  I know in the overall scheme of things, one month out of a year is not really going to matter when I look will just be a small plateau that I will laugh about when I am sitting here thinking about it next year, or so I hope.  

I have to say our eating style has definitely changed, less processed foods and more nuts, fruits, veggies, beans, fish and poultry.  Marty is working hard to suppport me.  He makes sure I don't get too discouraged like I normally do when I get to this point, get frustrated, and give up.  I have been here before 6 years ago.  I weighed 165, well right now I am down from 191 to 170.2 and I can't get below 170.    I am REALLY trying hard not to get discouraged and give up.  I have to remember to keep pushing, keep active, and eat clean.  I can have my days of eating bad and it's okay, it's going to happen, I can't let that get me down.  I have been putting my lose it website exercise information links up to Facebook to get more support, but lately I feel like that's all my life is and I don't want to bombard my friends with it all....ha ha, they must BE so sick of seeing all that by now.  BUT, in turn, hey one of my work friends said I must be rubbing off on her because she had packed fruit and healthy things for snacks LOL.....I just giggled, I would love to think I did rub off on her!! 

So, I will keep plugging along, I know this seems like a rant above, but it's really not, just a small bump in the road and with my thyroid being slow (I am hypothyroid) it's a constant battle for me and I know it will be harder to lose then someone who doesn't have this issue to deal with.  I get my numbers checked with my doctor sometime this month.   Will be interesting to see if the numbers change since we haven't checked them since I lost the 20 pds.  

Course, this is interesting, here is what 20pds of fat looks like.....puts it all in perspective!!! 
Kinda gross!! ewwwwww and wow, hard to believe that is what I was carrying around.  Have to say, I feel alot lighter these days....LOL

On another note, alot of people knew I was trying to relocate to Florida with Citi (same company I work for) however, I didn't get the position.  At first I was bummed and very sad that my dream/desire didn't come true.  However, I am at peace with it now after this week.  I realize that things are going great for Marty.  He is now working Full time at his job, he was part time before and now he is also studying for his personal training certification.  Things are finally looking up for him and to move again without knowing what he could do down in Florida is probably not the best for him at the moment.  There is a reason for everything.  Plus, there is so much more I want to do in this house over the next couple of years, repair wise, really it's just to fix up the basement to finish it off and also the sinks in the bathrooms and repair the countertops in the kitchen along with some cabinets.  I know that will all take time and I know God has the plan.  Again, I am very blessed to have a home and a job in today's economy and market.  Things/my desire will happen when it is the right time.  Besides, the more I think about it, I like that my family is close by.  I just told Marty, hey, we will get there when we jobs no responsbility, just time to relax and enjoy the weather and the ocean :)

Well that's really all that is going on at the moment......tomorrow is going to be a get together with the family to celebrate my sister's birthday.  I am looking forward to it and spending some time with everyone.

Have a fun, safe and happy weekend everyone!!