Monday, October 17, 2011


It's been a while since I have blogged.  Life has been busy staying active, Zumba, work, the gym, friends/family.  I am loving my life.

I have to vent a second and get something off my chest.  I have been self studying and reading alot of nutrition books. I am trying to live and eat healthier.  Yes, we all have our moments of ice cream, cakes, chips, etc.  I have my fair share too however, just not everyday.  That's part of life and that's part of living.
However, how do I stop my need to inform others of what I have learned?  These "fad" diets that people want to do and think it will be a miracle cure makes me want to yell STOP!!! and to tell them what they are depriving their bodies of and what might happen to their body if they do it....cancer, kidney misfunctions, and the list goes on.  I know I don't have a right to say anything, it's not my place, I am not a dietician.  Why do I always feel the need to help others!?!  It's not my place and none of my business.  I guess I just want people to think things through, do the research, eat healthy, grains, fruits, proteins, etc.  Stuff that mother nature intended us to eat and not deprive our body of the nutrients it needs to survive.

I didn't know where else to vent this to and I thought, hey, why not my own blog.  I am not perfect, this is not directed at anyone.  I just have seen too many people go through fad diets, thinking it will work, then give up.  Fad Diets don't work over time, exercise, staying active, being conscious of what you're putting in your body does work.  This is not about anyone that has an extreme condition or my friends that have gone through extreme measures to lose weight.  I love them and never want to hurt them by writing this down.  This is about others who think they can cheat their bodies and get fast results.   You didn't gain the weight in one year, what makes you think you will lose it in 6 months?  I know for me I gained it in 5 years and it will take me a year and a half to get to where I want to be.  I am at peace with that.  I am trying to eat right, exercise, and stay on the right course. I just want the same for others.  Maybe that's why I am reading so much and even thinking about a nutrition education.

My favorite quote is from a book I am reading called Master your Metabolism in my words:

When you put good food, such as apple into your body, the body says, HEY, I know what to do with this.  And your body breaks it down and places the food particles where they need to go into your body, as energy, water, etc.  When you put processed food into your body, it kinda looks at it and goes, now what the HECK am I supposed to do with this???  So you know what it does, it says, eh I will just store it for later and  it stores it to your fat cells.  Basically it has no nutritional value.

I have to say that sticks with me everyday, strives me to eat healthy from the ground and from a mother foods.  Staying away from the processed as much as I can and the fast food.  Yes, again, I am not perfect, I do enjoy dinners out with friends and the occassional treat, but again it's occasional.  Okay, I am repeating myself, I just had to vent somewhere.

Please NO ONE take this personally, again, it's about NO ONE, it's just something I had to get off my chest and put down on paper.

*something that shocked me last week at the doctors office from the mouth of a mother---" okay, you were good, we will go to Mcdonalds like I promised"  .  Really? ???  we need healthier food choices for our kids!!! unless you get a happy meal with a cheeseburger, apple dippers and a milk, then I am good with that :)  I read that is the healthiest item on the menu for all ages....interesting huh?  Made me think. Just saying.

I know some people are going to take offense to what I am writing but please don't.  This is the only place I can write down MY thoughts and MY opinions.  Again, that's all it is.  I have a right to do that and :)