Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Inspired and food switches

I have truly become inspired.  It's amazing how you can go through your 20s and 30s not truly knowing what you want to do with your life.  I always feel the need to help others.  I am doing so much reading on health, nutrition, and workouts in general.  Everytime we get to the gym, I try something different, push my body, and the results feel great.  Now I am going to take the time to give back to my friends who have been reaching out to me and asking me in this past year what I have learned and done to get healthy.
I made a promise to some of my friends that are just starting their journey to a better way of life that I would provide some insight and encouragement.  First thing I want to say is make changes in baby steps, don't shock the body all at once, and in return it will make the transition easier.
First thing I did back in March 2011, I started with the 100 calorie packs, almonds/nuts, and yogurt for my snacks. For lunches, I bought the healthy choice and lean cuisine meals.  I started packing my lunch for work pretty much every day.  I did allow one day a week to go out and get what I wanted to for lunch.  Again, not shocking my body. This worked for me for about 2-4 months.  Next I will tell you what I changed for my breakfast last summer that made a difference and fueled my body even more!
My first step last March 2011 in getting healthy workout wise was I started going to Zumba class twice a week.  I know it wasn't alot, but for someone who was sedentary at a 8 hour desk job and then coming home and being sedentary it was good for me.  It wasn't a complete shock on my body and it was fun at the same time.  We had 4 girls from work that were going together so it made it something to look forward to.  That would be my suggestion, if you go to a class, find some friends to come along with you!   I stayed in the Zumba class mode till about the summer, then I will tell you more in the next blog what I added to my workout routines to kick it up a notch.
Did you know fact of the day? Laughter is the best medicine-- according to many doctors. In fact, a single laugh may boost your immune systems defenses for up to 3 days.

There are several exercises you can do to get started that don't take a lot of time or need a gym.  I found a lot of them on Pinterest and wanted to share it with you today. This is for someone who is starting to workout again and just beginning.  Try it in the morning if you have the time, it gets your metabolism going for one and two, you don't need a gym to do this so NO Excuses!  If you do the workout I put below, let me know if liked it, comment, let me know if it was too hard, easy, or not challenging enough.  It's a 20 day workout.  
Another thing I wanted to add today is French fries, especially fast food french fries has been something I have avoided for quite a while since I changed my eating habits.  I wanted to share with you what we have replaced ours with.

Not this:  (greasy french fries) 

Try this instead: (sweet potato fries).  We love this brand and get it our local BJ's store.  

Here is a photo of them not baked (left) and what they look like after they are baked (right).  They are soooo good.  Give them a try and let me know what you think.

Motivational Quote of the day:

Just a small personal update for me as of Feb 2012:  I started running as a goal to up my distance and train.  As of last night I am now up to 1.80 miles, that is my farthest distance to date.  The scale has moved 2 more pds this week adding for my total loss since last March (2011) of 34.6pds.  It has not been easy and it's a daily battle. I am also focusing on how hard I work out at the gym number wise, how much weight I can lift, reps I can, and how far I can push my body.  The scale is just a bonus.  I enjoy this life, all who are supportive and encourging,  and I want to help others who want to learn/get ideas from someone who has been there. 

Thank you for reading and if there is anything you want me to add in my next blog, let me know!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Workouts, food, and clothes!

It has now been  2 weeks since I am back to my work out routine and this week has been great in the gym!! (January was a wash since I was sick for 3 weeks of it with some version of the flu virus along with bronchitis and sinus infections).
First off, I mentioned previously that we were going to switch to a new gym location,we did, and we are loving it there....newer machines, a more spacious layout, and just a nicer looking gym all around.  We are still with the same gym company just a different location.  It may take us 3 more minutes to get to the gym from where we used to go, but I will do it for the sanity!  Now we don't have to wait for weights/cables or the cardio machines....I know I already said it, but SO nice to just walk in and start your workout and not have to stand around due to crowding!!  

I have burned more this week then all of the last month combined I think and I love getting back to our hard core stuff.  Courtney and I are up'ing our distance for the run we are training for and doing a great job....we are at about 1.25-1.30 miles right now and we will work on increasing our distance over time.  We are making progress and running for longer lengths of time each time we get to the treadmill to run.  I can't wait for the weather to get nice and days to get longer so we can start running outside.  I have to say, It is very nice to have someone next to you on the treadmill, knowing they are after the same goal. It's just a great motivation...we really do cheer each other on. 

Onto my other topic, I truly have been loving Pinterest.  It has helped me to continue working on my new years resolution of finding 2 new meals a month to add to our routine that is healthy.  We typically have the same things and this is adding spice and variety to our lives,  plus we enjoy cooking together in the kitchen and trying out new things.  In January I made the below dishes and they turned out YUM! 

1. Turkey Chili: we used pinto & kidney beans with 2 lbs of Ground turkey, chili seasoning and diced tomatoes...once you brown the ground turkey we just added the other ingredients and let it cook on the stove for one hour...it tasted GREAT and we were able to have left overs for lunches as well!

2. Chicken Quesadillas (made with a twist from a recipe I found)
I used Spinach wraps I found at the grocery store in the bakery aisle.  I used grilled chicken, black beans, tomatoes, and light Colby jack cheese and added some light sour cream on the side for dipping.  I have a Quesadilla maker so this was very easy for me to do and dinner was not only fast but healthy!  I liked that I made a twist on it and used the Spinach wraps which are thinner and not as heavy as typical flour tortillas.  

I am still going through my Pinterest healthy recipes board but I really want to try and make this soon!!  It is Creamy White Chicken and Artichoke Lasagna.  If anyone wants the recipe, here is the link for the site where it is posted. 

Weight loss update: held steady as of mid week, now just holding off till Saturday morning to see where I will be on my weigh in day.  I am kinda nervous to see what my body has been doing and not being able to peek at the scale has been hard.  I did however fit into a size 10/12 jeans at the store this past week, that shocked me!! I haven't been a size 12 since after high school which was 20 years ago!!!  Now I really have to go out and start getting more clothes one by one. The pants and tops I have are just too loose and look a little silly since I still have the 16s in my closet and only have 2 pair of size 14 jeans.  The 16s need to go and I need to get more clothes to replace them. This time last month I got rid of the 18s, amazing how now I need the 16s to go....I  need to check out co-signment shops only because I don't want to spend a lot of money since I still haven't yet reached my final goal.  So I might check those out soon and see what I can find.  

                                      Ending Motivational picture for today: